Do you have an idea that you want to evaluate to determine if it is a viable venture?
Ever wonder if you are getting the maximum benefits allowed by the Canadian Income Tax Act? If so, consider our Tax Service.
- Personal Tax Preparation
- Business Tax Preparation for Corporations, Partnerships and Sole Proprietors
Have you encountered cash flow problems or simply do not know where your business or organization stands financially? We can resolve these issues with our Accounting Service.
- Set up of manual and computerized accounting systems
- Regular accounting and bookkeeping functions
- Preparation of GST/HST, Payroll and WHSCC returns
- Compilation of financial statements
Would you benefit from being more proficient in Simply Accounting or would you, or participants in a program you administer, benefit from accounting training? If so, consider our Training and Seminar Services.
- One-to-one accounting training in manual or computerized systems
- Seminars offered in the following disciplines: Tax, Accounting, Payroll, GST/HST and Opportunity Development
Do you have an idea that you want to evaluate to determine if it is a viable venture? If so consider our Analysis and Registration Services.
- Feasibility Studies
- Business Plans
- Financing Proposals
- Registration, including Incorporations
If you have any questions regarding our services and would like to discuss how Bradbury and Associates Ltd. can assist you to improve your financial position, contact us for an initial consultation.